Services for energy producers and distributors

The eSmart portal is intended for producers, local distribution companies and energy consumers to access measured data from energy production and consumption. eSmart also ensures automatic reporting of data to OKTE, SEPS and RDS information systems.

What is eSmart About us

Assists electricity producers and distributors

eSmart assists electricity producers and distribution companies to meet the requirements of applicable legislation - Energy Act no. 251/2012 Z and other legal regulations. eSmart provides automatic data collection from smart metering systems and reporting them to authorized recipients.

Products and services

eSmart provides services for the energy sector, data reporting to OKTE, SEPS and RDS, remote data collection from smart metering systems.

automated reporting of measured data to authorized recipients (OKTE, SEPS, RDS)
energy management according to customer requirements for electricity, heat, gas, water
secure and easy access via PC, tablet or smartphone
standard reports according to actual obligations
graphic trends
user-friendly database on the transmission of relevant data


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